Truck, Bus and Commercial Vehicle Painting in Paisley
Truck, Bus and Commercial vehicle painting is carried out at our premises in Paisley, just off the M8 motorway, meaning we are ideally located to serve customers in Paisley, Glasgow, Ayrshire and throughout the central belt. Using our two commercial spray booths we can paint any size of vehicle from small vans to the largest of trucks on the road. With an emphasis on quality over quantity your vehicle will be unrecognisable from before. We offer full vehicle refinishing including specialist finishes in metallic, xirallic and faded colour changes.
We paint vehicles for a huge range of companies, from small through to large. For owner-drivers we can arrange to carry out work on your vehicle while you are on holiday, reducing your time off the road and giving you peace of mind that your vehicle is securely stored in your absence, and for larger companies we work closely with fleet engineers and planners to program work around your schedules.
We can also repair damaged paintwork, or if the damage is to a replaceable panel we can paint the panel while your vehicle is still on the road, meaning reduced downtime for both vehicle and driver.
One of our spray booths is equipped with a full length pit, meaning we are able to paint all parts of your vehicle, including the underside of the chassis. This is ideal for both new vehicles, and older vehicles as part of a refurbishment process, protecting the chassis and prolonging the life of the vehicle.
As well as refinishing we also refurbish paintwork and can advise if your vehicle needs painting, or if cutting polish can be used to refresh the look of your vehicle without the expense of a full respray. By working alongside our vehicle graphics department we offer a ‘1 stop shop’ for your full fleet identity. By having our in-house graphics team we can keep the cost and downtime to a minimum, without compromising on quality.
Have a look through our gallery below for some examples of our past work, or check out our facebook page for regular updates! Ever wondered what goes on 'behind the scenes'? Check out this article to find out how we transform trucks, buses, vans and more in our commercial vehicle paintshop.
If you have a vehicle in need of some TLC or a full respray, please get in touch today or stop by the workshop where we can help you decide on your best course of action.